Is It Time For X-rays?

Home > Is It Time For X-rays?
Posted on April 2, 2013 by Bearable

Our patients often inquire about the necessity of regular dental x-rays. There are several reasons that your dentist will require dental x-rays. Nobody wants to undergo unnecessary testing and our dentists are sensitive to your concerns about radiographs. For that reason, they will only take an x-ray when it is necessary in order to provide the best possible care. We utilize state-of-the-art digital radiography to obtain the best x-ray image with the least exposure to radiation.

New patients to our office generally receive a comprehensive, full mouth exam. Our dentists will want to gather as much information as possible. That includes a thorough examination of your teeth and mouth. The dentist will perform an oral cancer and periodontal (gum health) screening and dental x-rays. That way, we can have the information necessary to help you with your oral health right away.

Our dentists encourage an exam every 6 to 12 months. We generally recommend that our dental patients have x-rays every 1 to 2 years, depending upon their dental health, medical history, and risk for dental disease. Keeping current on dental x-rays will help us stay ahead of developing dental disease or bone loss.

Growing children require more frequent x-rays than adults. A child’s developing dentition (teeth) is more vulnerable to dental decay (cavities). Regular x-rays are necessary to check for proper development and growth. Those x-rays will help concerned parents make informed decisions about things like orthodontic treatment (braces) and wisdom teeth.

Many people see the dentist during a dental emergency such as a broken tooth, lost filling, or a toothache. The dentist will need an x-ray to determine the exact cause of the problem and help you plan the best treatment. X-rays will also be necessary if you need a crown or an implant.

Dental x-rays are a diagnostic tool which allow the dentist to see bone loss, tooth decay, the effect of mouth trauma — even cancer. The dentist will determine how frequently you will need to have w-rays taken. The Bearable Dentistry dentists and hygienists will be happy to answer your questions about x-ray safety and frequency.

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