Pay Your Bill Online: Simple, Safe, Saves Money

Home > Pay Your Bill Online: Simple, Safe, Saves Money
Posted on June 9, 2014 by Bearable

Many people find the idea of online bill payment risky and they feel that old-school check writing helps them keep control of their money. For some reason, writing checks and mailing envelopes seems safer and lots of people continue to pay bills that way.

So, why pay your bills online? You’ll save money. No postage, avoid late fees and it is time efficient. It’s also safer than sending a check through the mail. Personal information is much more vulnerable to theft when it’s on paper. Using a credit card to make online payments will benefit the balance on your rewards card also. Rack up miles and other cash-based rewards while you’re paying off other obligations.

Bearable Dentistry has partnered with Electronic Lockbox Services to allow you to pay your dental bill online. You’ll find a link to their secure website on this website. Click on the Financial Information tab and scroll toward the bottom of the page. Once you’re registered on their site (don’t worry, it’s easy) you can make a payment. You can even print yourself a receipt and review other payments you’ve made on your account!

You may make your payment with any major credit card: MasterCard, VISA, Discover and American Express. Your payment will be posted to your Bearable Dentistry account! Paying with your credit card adds an extra layer of security offered by the credit card carrier.

We hope that you will find this to be a time saver and help you stay financially organized. As always, we are happy to accept your check or cash as payment. And, let us know if you have any questions about this service. We’re here to help!

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